This one's for The Truth:* cause zafatniii:(
Wa9alni laiman baitna and he went home.
I got in, took a shower, and called Tala.
I was always intouch with her but you knew she has Badir now, so, we wouldn't be going out alot.
She came over just for 5 minutes to say hi. I told her every single thing that happened in the shalaih. She was about to call Noura and tell her to back off, but I stopped her. Mno yabi inazil nafsa 7ag hal mostawa? She was going out for dinner with Badir.
When she left I called 7amady;*.
Mohammed: halla walla;*
Jawan:ma nimt?
Mohammed:la abi asma3 9outich awal:p
Jawan: 3ayaaarrr:p
Mohammed: ana 3ayar?:p 7aram 3alaich
Mohammed:mhmm shno?
Mohammed:etha feech shay goulayy!
Jawan:you know I would tell you.
Jawan:you know I hate your cousin right?:p
Mohammed:mo khabar yideed:p
Jawan:wayid tbu6 elchabd ou akraha kirh il3ama
Mohammed:sh3alaich mnha khaleech a7san mnha..
Jawan:wayid makhith'ha barda, walla ana 7aram iny ma sawait feeha shay..
Mohammed:laish ma sawaitay feeha kanat jidamich:p
Jawan:ya birdik:p
Mohammed:elmohem solfay salfa feeha awadim:p
Jawan:msa3 tala kanat 3indi wilaht 3alaiha, wayy 3ala rifeejik khathaha mnii!:(
Mohammed:khala9 ana al7een adig 3alaih azifa:p
Jawan:la la fashlaa latdig!
Mohammed:atmana bas ma t9adgeen rou7ich eni badig azifa:p
Jawan:ya kirhik:p
Mohammed:ya3nie khala9 they're official ana shako?!:p
Mohammed: ok !*sigh*
Jawan: walla feek shay
I can sense that something was wrong with him.
Mohammed: entay mdawkhatni, m2athyatnii, imyaninatni
Jawan:ana? shako?! shsawait?
Mohammed:9outich, jamalich, ou galbich..
I smiled.
Jawan:amoot 3alaik:*
Mohammed:amoot feech:*
walla a7tajik ana..
khalik ib janbi girrebb
ou in7aa9al shay bainana
3an 7ayati la tigheeb
ana mn ba3dak atoouh ou 3alami ba3dak yithee33
tikhtili6 3indi ilwjouh il3adu yi9ba7 9ideeeg;*
While I was talking to him, Jen told me that Mama wants me in her room.
Jawan: 7amady arou7 7ag omi ou i'll call you back.
Mohammed: yalah byee.
I knocked on the door.
Mama:7abeebti ta3alay..
Jawan:halla Mama baghaitay shay?
Mama:eh 7abeebti tadreen enich kibartay al7een ib jam3a ou ba3ad cham sina inshallah tkhal9een ou ana ma ra7 atim lich 6ool il3omr
Jawan:mama shfech? feech shay? awadeech el6abeeb?
Mama:ahaha 7abeebti ma feeni shay, kil khaiir !
Jawan:3ayal shfeech? Baba shfeeh?
Mama:walaiinnn, entay shfeech kila mkhar3a rou7ich ! agoulich kil khair
Jawan:ok goulaii mama khaara3teenii
Mama: fee athnain yayeenich
Jawan: huh?
Jawan:eh goulai chethy! SHNO!?
Mama: weh weh shno hatha agoulich yayeenich yakh6ibounich
Jawan: la la la mama mabi mabi ! AKHAAFFF !
Mama: shitkhafeen ? Zawaaj ohoo !
Jawan: mama la la ana yahil!
Mama: rou7ay bas rou7ay akalim wa7da 3omirha 16:p
Jawan:mama walla akhaf goulaii laa:p
I said no cause ofcourse it's not 7amady he never told me that he talked to his mom he would have told me.
I called 7amady;*.
Mohammed:halla bil zain:*
Jawan:hala feek.
Jawan:ma feni shay, shfeena 3ayal shfeech w shfeek?!:p
I was silent, I thought about it. Maybe when I was with Mama I was shy to ask who, what, and how do they know me. But I don't know.
Mohammed:a7achi mno ana?
Jawan: ana !
Mohammed: ma3louma yideda:p
Jawan:shfeek 3al ma3loumat:p?
Faj'a I got so emotional. I don't know faj'a I had thoughts about having children, working, and having a husband which isn't mohammed. It was scary.
Jawan:mabiii *ehehe2* (crying:p)
Jawan:there are two guys kha6beenii mabiiiiiii *ehehehe2* abeeekk entaaa !
Mohammed:shno mno elthany?
ta3aabtt 3alaiiihhh:( :*:p
Ya7laily posts;)
I love you all:*
8 years ago
brb bagraa :P!
min elyoum o rayii7 killa ana first:p
7ayach Alah:p ! and 3asa doum;*
Second LOVED ur post LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Inshallah doom you love it 7abeebtii;)
and i love you;*
Awal shay thanks for the detication;;** o sorry zafaittiich(A)!;* bs la2ana i was really into the storyy o etheeg khelgyy lama el-post e9eer g9eer!
o waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! 7asafa wallah bichaitay 3al fathyy :p! wayy;;** Amazing post! akh akh! galby e3awirnyy :P!!! wayyy;;***
la 3adi bas la t3eeendeenha mara thanya:p!
Hehe, testahlain akthar walla;);*
Hehe:P! smila 3ala galbich!:p
and thank youuu:***
waaaaaaaaaaaayy mani gadra a9dg ina m7md 5i6bhaaa!!
waaaaaaayy babchi min il far7aa;***
3ad laish 3lgteena chithi?! rite wen the post gets juiccy;P;P!!
post soon;**
waaiii cuttee;*
next post soon plss!
Anony:lol thats what i'm aiming for:p lol jk! hehe shasawii!:p
shiftayyy shlouun!:P
thank you 7abeebtii:*
bluelilies:thank you ;*
LOOL;** Ma tin3aad (A)! Np;*
tara ma fahamt laish giltay refresh :P?
cause kan fee some text missing which was black fa ma ybayinn, then edited it:p
ohh! la 3adyy :P! I shaded it and read it :p
'3ABAAA2 JAWAAAN YAJEBNY xD laish ma s2alat omha ya3ny ;p ?1 shhal '3aba2
LOOL plz post a new post at 12 (a) pweeeez bs chena wayed ma9a5naha 3 posts eb youm wa7ed ? ;p
bs lala 9ij walah post shawagteenii aby a3areff what happens =)
Mo ya saroona ana la'ana mohammed ma galaha ina ana 7achait omiieee;P 3araftay shloun!;p ou she's kinda ya3nie khawafa ou plays the part lol madrii :p ! hehe, eh chinkom ma9akhtouha?!:p
la la tistahloun;*
bas walla banaam:(
feeni elnoom:(
ma aksiir elkha6iirr:( ??!:p
Lol;p ill post bachir il9ob7 inshallahh;*
lalaaaa bs kesartay 5a6ry a3aref el 7ala ely 3yoonich bl yalahh tetba6al ;$ bs 5ala9 namay la2ana 7atan ana banam ;*** ;p
eee lol staw3abt bs ham 5al te2al ya3ny yemkin mofa2a LOOL 3ad ana lazm laish ma laish ;p xDD
eee bacher el 9eb7 3al 12 coz ana im gonna shower my dogs at 12 , ree7athom 9ayra 5aysa :P o im gona dry them ba3ad 3ashan they dont be sick ,bs gabla im gonna check blogger so plz surprise me will you =)
Love it as usual:*
Loooveed the post o thanx 3ala il2 post for 2day :D
shfeech mas'alty ur mom who r they ;/ 7araam thay3tay firsaa ;(
cant wait for the next post ;D
ambaaaaaaaaaaaaaai ;0 LOOOL wanasa !!!
minoo el thany laykoon his cousin el kila he winks :o pleaseeeeeeeeeee post now plz plz plz plz plz plz i caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant waaaaaaaaaaaaait LOve yOU
um flfola
madry shagool...all i can say ina it was amazing!!
next post pls wallah i cnt wait!!!!!!!!!!
please next post kabray il 5a6 shway 3ashan ana walla 3yoonii 3waratny
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