You think I should end it after like 5 posts?!
Tell me what you think, cause there isn't anymore in our relationship or do you want me to make the rest up? Or start my other idea?
Just tell me what you think:*
and to those who are asking about me now, i'll tell you when i finish the story:p! mabeekom you lose interest!
I hugged him tighter.
Jawan:how could I reject you?;*
Mohammed: Il7amdila;*
Jawan: you're serious, right?
Mohammed: shloun mo serious? ana mo fahim laish lail7een ana mo kha6bich?
Jawan:7amaadyyyy !!
Jawan:I'm so so so happy!
Mohammed:3asa doum;*
Mohammed:Ameen ya rab!
Shalaih days were the best. And I still remember that day as if it was yesterday. I guess this was in December.
Jawan: a7ibikkk:*
Mohammed:amoot 3alaich:*
lw 7ubna ghal6a
trikna ghil6aneen
mazal 3ash2aneen
ma3 ba3th mirta7een
meen ely alak meen..
3an 7obna ghal6a?
mish hamimni dina kila ou enta 7adii
mish hami hini shou badon ba3rid sho badii
badi 7ibik aktar ba3d
badi a36i 3younak wa3d
ra7 nib2a lba3d
lw la bokra traktna ba3d haay akbaar ghal6aa;*
(you have to hear this song, it's amazing;* Wael Kfouri-Lw 7obna ghal6a)
We sat there for another hour, until Mama called.
Jawan:7amady I have to go back Mama t7aty.
Mohammed: yalah.
The ride back was silent. He took me to the shalaih.
Mohammed: yalah 7abebti gn:*
Jawan: gn:*
and I was about to get in until he pulled me back and kissed me this most passionate kiss.
Mohammed: now you can go.
I couldn't help it, I hugged him, and tears of happines started forming.
Mohammed: shfeech? dam3itich ghalya 3alay yal ghalya:*
Jawan: I'm so happy to have you:*
Mohammed: ma tadreen shloun ana as3ad insan ib hal dinya, intay 3omri, galbi, kily, denyti, ou ma feeha:*
Jawan: I love you:*
Mohammed: walla ana akthar:*
He took my right hand and kissed it.
A7ibik ya nithar 3aini
ghala yasri ib sharayeeni
a7iba ib kil ma feeni
mn ashwag ou alam ou jrraa7:*
I went to bed with this smile on my face, just like every night. With his hoodie on.
It was our last day in the shalaih. We were having lunch at 7amady's and then off to aldeera.
I went into the his shalaih.
Khalti: hala janjan, shlounich?
Jawan:hehe, el7amdila shakhbarich?
Khalti:walla bkhaiir, walla entaw yal 3yal kila naymeen madri sh3indikom.
Mama:et9adgeen? qa9ib gamat
Khalti:3ayal ely 3indi lail7een ma gaam.
Mohammed: kani kani
Khalti:zain yuma ga3adt, yala taghada
Mohammed:Inshallah, oh khalti 3indina
He kissed her.
Mohammed: ou Jawan
and he smiled.
I blushed.
Fashla Mama and Khalti ga3den.
Mama:agoulich zawjeeh ou fikay 3umrich
Mohammed: afaa khalti tshaysheenha laish?
NOTE:You guys:p didn't you notice that parents espeacially mothers always care about marriage, WAYID?!:p
Mama:emyaninha maskeena
Mohammed: la 3ad hathy 7abeebti
Khalti: 3ayartik:p
We laughed, talked, and ate.
We finished, Mama and Khalti left it was only me and Mohammed.
Mohammed: eh nas ou nas yayeen ib sayarat'hom:p
Jawan:sub7aan allahh:p
Mohammed:yalah khala9tay!?
Jawan:eh ka
Mohammed: rikbay elsayara ou ana la7gich!
Jawan:Amshy ya3nie?
Mohammed:la ni6ray..
He went in the shalaih brought his stuff and off we went to aldeerra!
+I have another post ready for tonight maybe at 8?:p
LOL! ma tabounha mo laziim:p!
& yeaaah bakhali9 my story enshallah 3ala the end of the week and a new story is coming up;*!
8 years ago
Awal shay bazifich shway ok?! Entaayy laiishh chithyyy :P? 7asbalich ana 9aidaa :P? it6igeen alf "enter" o 7asbalich el-post 6iweel :P? agoul always. be :P! khalay postaatiich 6waal haaa? :P!! wallaaah:P!
ok, zaf time over.
AMAZINGG post!! wayyy wayyyyyyy!!!!!;;**
o as for the shesma, ana agoul la it2alfeen nihaya, make it the real one awnas, o kaifiich 3ala ra7tiich etha u want to finish it quickly or start a new story. chithyy chithyy I'm very interested in all the coming posts or stories;*
wallaaa lol mo ana ohwa brou7a e2alif my keyboard:p hahahaha !! ma7shouummaaa:p LOOL!! tha7akteeni !:P
brou7a chethy faj2a erou7 e9eer wayid enters:p a9lan 7adi i noticed ina chethy :p
7abeeeeeeeebtiii:* ma3aanich zafatniii;$ yalah ma 3alaih:p
I LOVE YOU!! Walla you made me laugh ou ana mali khilg!!
ahahaha;* ya 7ilwiiich wallaa;*
laaa naby another post:D
Rawan: Inshhallaahh;)
cause I think hal post ma kan feeh ashyaa' wayiidd!
AMAZING next !! its just PERFECT dont add shy ;p
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tonight akooooo pooooooooooooost caaaaaaaant wait ill be waiting min al7eeen :) o inshalah happy ending o inshalah il next stoory tkoon 3ajeeba mithlich
um flfola
i just posted it:*
and still ma khala9t:p
entay 3ajeeba?;*
laaa2 mabiha itkhali9:( i was really engoying it;( just keep us updated!:D
ooo post soon plss
I Just poested:*
shinsawiii laziim kil shay lah nihaya:p hathi sinat el7ayattt!!:p
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