Sorry for taking so long, bas faj2a things come up;*
I wanted to sleep I was so tired, so, i found seats that were empty and laid down. But I didn't sleep shway wila i see mohammed coming so, i acted as if i was asleeep ! Ou ya ou la7afniii 3adiiill;( waaaaaaaay zouuqaaa!!! a7ibaaaa;(((
Then he whispered in my ear
Mohammed: tara ybayen mo naymaa.. ;p
and walked away.
I sat up and looked at him, then he turned around and flashed me a million dollar smile, and i started laughing.
We landed, got our luggage and went to the hotel. I was so tired, I went to sleep and hoped that nothing would go wrong tomorrow when we see Noura!!!!
I woke up the next morning.
For sure mama and khaltie ga3deen mn gabel ou they went out. So, i woke up Jawo and changed.
We went down to the lobby, wila 7amady was sitting there with his brothers.. eshawigggg;* 7ada zouuqa !
Salamna 3alaihom ..
Jawan: mohammed wain betrou7on?
7amady and i acted so casual infront of everyone so kan wayid i6afirni ou ana a3asiibb bas ba3dain eratheenii !;p
Mohammed: ou entay shako?? ;p
Jawan: i7mid rabik ana as'al 3anik !
Mohammed: 3ad madrii mno entayy !
Khazaita and i gave him my back.
Wila he sends me ib bbm
Mohammed Flan Al-Flani:
Wallaa Entaii Il Kil Bil Kil:*
I read it and just ignored.
7alata il za3laann wallaa;*
Jawan Al-Flani:
tadri inik ma t'6a7ik?;p
Adrii ;p
el7amdila inik t3arif nafsikkkk ..
tara entai wayid dalou3aa!! ;p
Then i turned around and he was mayit mn elthi7ikk:p. Eshawig i can't stand looking at him without smiling. I smiled ...
Bas tara lail7een za3lana, i smiled bas mojamala:)
3ad kilish wala za3lich;*
He said ena yabi yetghada wiya his brothers so galena nyee ou ena ba3dain berou7 wiya rab3a..
We had lunch and ofcourse tahawashna 3ala mno yidfa3 bas 7amadyy faaz ou ohwa difa3...
We were walking and Jawo, Azizan, and 7amany were ahead of us and i didn't notice cause i was listening to my ipod.
Shway wila yis7ab my ipod mni chan e6ali3ni shafnii ina wayhi egoula shako?;p
Mohammed: 3adii??;p
Jawan: sh3ogba?;p
Mohammed: ehh akeed 3adii 7abeebii *ga3id yit6anaz 3alaii*
Jawan: shal thiqa enta?;p
Mohammed: ma y7iglyy??;p
I smiled and kept on walking.
Mohammed: Jawanii?? *in a serious tone*
I looked at him.
Mohammed: za3lana?
Jawan: laa
Mohammed: Akeed..
Jawan: akeedaiin maz3al 3alaiik, i was joking.
Mohammed: 7abeebtii;*
And he stopped and crushed me to his chest.
I liked it. Ashwa ina ma7ad shafna... he was like "i couldn't resist you.."
6agaitta 3ala eeda 3al khafeef..
Mohammed: ta3awartay??;p
Jawan: mohammed!!!!;p *in a dala3 tone* (and yes ana at7acha ib dala3 bas ina mo imsawya nafsi dalou3a i really am:p 7ata marat atnarfaz mn nafsii !;p*
He started laughing.
Jawan: tara maleeq wallaa 9ij shtabi ya3nie bas tit7arash??;p walla a3alim 3alaikk khalti fayza.;p
Khalti Fayza loves me alot ou ma tertha 3alaii so kela tzifa etha 6afarnii:p
Mohammed: laa khara3teeni ib khaltich Fayza.;p
Jawan: sabiir bas khanshoufha wallaa la agoulaha etgoul 3anha chethy;p
Mohammed: ana maynoun ma legait ela a7ib hal yahel;p
I stopped walking.
Mohammed: shfeech?
Jawan: ana yahil?;p awareekk rouu7 imsh brou7ikk!
Mohammed: atghashmar bas a6africh;p
Jawan: mohammed bityaniniiiiii;(((((
Another post tonight;*
8 years ago
loool;p maskeeena:p akraah illy nou3hom y6afroon.. ohma illy eyeeboon ilshaib:p bas at the same time ohma illy eymawtoonich min il-'6i7ik;p
laaaaaaa, bas they're so cute wallaa;* may3asboun wayiidd;p!
haha, ehh ! ;p
loool! it's sooo adorable! it based on a true story?
awwhh! i like ur story bas ehya sejya or imaa'lft'ha;p?
ou im waiting the new posts:)
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