i promised a post bas i didn't post;( sorry!;*
inshallah a long post elyoom..
ana mo fahma elmawthou3 kilish:p ezidoun my followers bas mako comments;( laiish ya rabii laiisshh??;p
yallaa elmohem shway are commenting ! yallaahh a7san mn walaa shay;p! bas still comment;@ pls(a)!;p
First day of school was amazing..
I caught up with all my friends and classmates! ahh i missed them all;*
maybe i mentioned my school before madri shgilt:p bas now ba2aliiff!
So, i was in a private school with only girls.
I got back home, bas ma kan fee wala a7ad. By that time Jawa graduated from highschool and was in college, she turned 18 yaay! etsoug wanasa so 24 hours i would be with her. no !
it wasn't that way! after mama and baba got divorced all of broke apart. i had no one by my side! Khaloud was always out with his friends. and Jawa was in uni and like that. Mama was always out of town. at yam3at, her friends house but never at her own house.
I would call baba everyday. akalma bas ma ya36eeni wayh wayid! he got married to this girl which was only 20 years old, yes older than Khaloud ib sina, but by that time he was turning 20 which means he's her age.
I hate her.
At the end, i would love them all even though their not by my side bas malzouma a7ibhom their my family. I was the only one that would call them and ask about them. Ma3ana ma7ad kan fatheelii ou ma ya36ouni wayh bas ariz wayhi 3ashan a7acheehom cause i really care about them.
Whenever i open up the subject with my mom about her going around with her friends and not wanting to stay with her children she would change the subject or she would just leave.
But there was always 7amady;*
he was always by my side and he wanted me to be an engineer. Cause ohwa yadris handasa. ou enshallah ana wiyah!
He was always there.
When i got home. It was empty, i had lunch alone.
Went up to my room and called 7amady..
Mohammed: hallaa wallaaaaa
Jawan: hiii..
Mohammed: shfeech??
He knew that something was wrong with me.
Jawan: mako a7ad bel bait.
Mohammed: enzain??
Jawan: bas.
Mohammed: 3ashan ma7ad bel bait.?
Jawan: ehh..
Mohammed: 7abeebti ;*
He knew how sad i was about the whole thing. but he couldn't do anything. yabi yit7acha, yabi idafi3 3ani, yabi isawi shay bas he can't!
he would just tell me to hold on and live every minute of my life without looking back. But still kil mn yabi 7aanan mn oma ou eboh!
Jawan: how's your day?
Mohammed: el7amdila kel shay mashi tamam, shakhbarr ilmadrisa?
Jawan: greattt..
Mohammed: yallaa il7amdilaaa;)
Jawan: i missed you..
Mohammed: 7abeebti walla ana akthar!!
I haven't seen him for maybe 3 weeks.
Mohammed: abii ashoufiichh, 3ogb ilghada amirich?
I never went out with 7amadi in Kuwait.
Kint a7is ina shay ghala6 ou ina i was betraying my family bas they don't even give a shit so i went for it.
Jawan: mm, ok. wain enrou7?
Mohammed: madrii laii 6ala3na inshouuff..
Jawan: okk..
Mohammed: bas 3ad thi7kayy.. kel hatha za3al?:p shno hal dala33??
bas tara ana a7ib ily yitdali3oun!;p
Jawan: ok then it's not me;p
Mohammed: ooookkhhh mo entay?!;p akbar dalouu3aa entayy!
Jawan: olllaaa.. qawiya 3ad hathiii:p walla ini mo dalou3a bas the part that you love them, khala9 3ayal ana dalouu3a;) hehe;p
Mohammed: a7ibiichh;*
Jawan: me too;*
Mohammed: yalah khal atghada ou ayeelich!
Jawan: bel 3afya;*
Mohammed: e3afeech;*
He's everything a girl would wish for.
It was September and 7amady's birthday was coming up!
It's on September 27 and mine was on January 19.
He was turning 20, and me 17 !
I wanted to give him something speacial.
I got dressed and went out to 7amady's black tinted G Class.
It's his car now bas i don't remember what was his car at that time:p.
I got into his car and off we went.
We got of our neighborhood and i jumped on him and hugged him...
Jawan: i missed youuuuuu.
Mohammed: ooff mo kithery.. wa'akheerann! entay mo gayla mako physical actions shako tlimeenii?;p
Jawan: waaaay.. bedaiinaa??:p
Mohammed: laa, 3adi abousiich?? ;p
Jawan: okkk;p
and he kissed me on my cheek .
Waaay eyanin hal walaaddddd a7ibaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
We cruised around. mn yarmoouk to qortuba to nuzha , faiha, and on..
We were holding hands.
Kan yabi enazilny nit3asha ib ma63am 3al ba7ar i forgot it's name bas ana ma kint labsa 3adil 7ag ma63am ou chethy so ma rethaiitt:p.
He would look at me and smile and i would blush.
That was the best part of all.
Kalaiinaa ou sharabna ou tha7akna ou solafna and had a lot of fun just the both of us.
At 10 he took me back home.
Mohammed: yalla al7een farshay asnanich ou seeda elfraash:p
Jawan: tara mo kubrikk ana.;p
Mohammed: ya3ne ana ely 9ert a3arif arid ou qawiyaaa!;p 7alataaa wallaa;***
Jawan: hehe, bas! ba3ad ma tabi a7ad 3alaiik, bas enta et6afirnii??
Mohammed: ehh bas ana:p
Jawan: bas yallaa byee;p
Mohammed: byee.
he waited until i got in and drove off.
Ou 3ala 7athy Khaloud 6ila3 ib wayhii..
Khalid: mn wain yaya babyatna??:p
I don't get it shfee elawadim 3alaii?:p
Jawan: laa jad jad, ana mo yahil;p
Khaloud was the brother that everyone would want. he was protective and ma yertha a7ad esaweeli shay , bas he's a boy fa kila 6ali3 3adiii..
Khaliid: atghashmar wiyach:p mn wain yaya?
Jawan: jam3iyaaa..
Khalid: ahhaa, wain laghrath??
Jawan: kint abi shay bas ma ligaitaa..
Khalid: ehh, yala rou7ay namay bachir warach madrisa.
Jawan: mabi a6awilha ou ihya g9eeraa:p, okkk al7een ray7a!
and i went up ou Jawo ib wayhii..
Jawan: allaahh ishawig your dress abiii!
Jawa: enzain akhli9 mna ou a36eech:p
Jawan: waii33 mabeehh!
and i changed my clothes, did my business and went to bed called 7amady..
Mohammed: Jawaniii
Jawan: na3ammm..
Mohammed: na3am allah 3alaiichh... laish ma nemtay?;p
Jawan: tabi elfaka khala9 ok bye.
Mohammed: yuba atghashmar wiyach, etha ma anam ou akhir 9oot sam3a entay amoott..
Jawan: smila 3alaiik:*
Mohammed: 7aayatii;* .. shfeech ma nimtay?!
Jawan: mo gadra anam..
Mohammed: agoulich qi9a?;p. and i mean it ib 6areeqa ina ma a7asisich inich yahil;p
Jawan: hehe, ok!
Mohammed: sim3ayy... mara kan fee wa7da maleeqa isimha..
Mohammed: inzain wala ihimich noura;p .. ou wa7daa kamla ou el kamil allaahh..
Jawan: Jawan:p
Mohammed: shal thi'3a entay?;p
bas ham entay wala tiz3ileen:p
Jawan: lol:p
Mohammed: ou wa7id jameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll. isma mohammed :p
Jawan: laa el9ara7a a2aydik:p
Mohammed: siktay khalagoulich:p
kanaatt noura kila titlazag ib hal mohammed bas jawan ma ta36eeh wayh ou ohwa ma y7ib noura kilish..
Jawan: a7saann!!;p
Mohammed: la tkhaleeni aghayir isimha 7ag jawan al7een:p
Jawan: la ana asfa kamil;p
Mohammed: 3abaalyy:p, ou kan imooott 3ala jawan kan i7ibha 7ob mo 6abee3i bas kilish ma ta36ii wayh
Jawan: afaa ana ma36eek wayh??
Mohammed: al7een ana gilt entay jawan?;p
Jawan: ok:p
Mohammed: elmohem yoom mn elayam oma galatla tizawaj noura gaam ou 3a9ab hal mohammed ou 6angar la'ana ma yabi nouraa kilish mo 3ajbitaa bas ohwa i7ib oma ou ma yigdar igool 7ag oma laa' .
fa khala9 qariraw il 3irs. ou jawan kanat ma3zouma, dash mohammed el qa3a chan eshouuf jawan ou 3younha matrousa dmou3a. gal yimkin 3younha t3awirha wila shay. ou ra7 ou tizawaj noura ou ra7aw shahar il 3asal ou stanisaw ou radaw bas mohammed lail7een ma nisa 3an jawan.. lail7een i7ibha ou ra7 i'9il i7ibhaa.. ma3ayy??
At that time 7ail indimajt bel q9a !
Jawan: ehh ehh kamil.
Mohammed: rad mn shahar el 3asal wila galoula ina hal Jawan tuwafat ou gam ou za3al ou tikadar. bas may9eer ibayin 7ag noura. Shway wila yilga '6arf 3ind sayarta wila mn Jawan. Kan maktoobb..
"a7ibik . Jawan"
khalat il rayal ib hal kilma ou ra7at ! Allaah yer7amha, kanat khosh wa7da:p! gam ou yaab bint ou samaha Jawan. The end!
Jawan: al7een akhir shay tkhaleenii amoott??:(
Mohammed: ma gelna entay ya mara! smila 3alaiich mn elmoot;* ya 3al yoomi gabel yoomichh!
Jawan: haaaaayy, smila 3alaiikk;*
Mohammed: 7abeebti;* shraych bel qi9a bas?;p
Jawan: taksir il kha6iirr..
Mohammed: enzaiin yallaa namayy;* t9bi7een 3ala khaiirr.
Jawan: ou enta mn ahalaa;*
This story laih hal yoom ou mohammed kila egoulii iyaha itha ma agdar anam:p ma3ana taksir il kha6ir bas walla tyaninn dam mna ohwaa!;p
I went to sleep with a smile on my face, i knew that he was the one and i was hoping that he would always be there by my side! I loved him ib kil ma feenii ......
a6waaaaaal post bel denyaaaaaaaa:p
8 years ago
im loving this story!
loved the post.... next post please!;p
i LOVE <3! and allah y5alekm 7ag ba3a'6 enshallah :D
I LOVE it walla 7adkom tshawgon
next post plz (A) ;**
Lovee ur story!
Elyoum graita kelah..
is it ur true story? Cuz 7ady indmaajt!
aaaawwww!! eyanin wallah!!
ee its true 9a7?
isnt it about u?;p
yala next post!!! cant waaiiit!
awwww u guys are so cuute mashlla! Allah iy5alekm 7ag ba3a'9 ya rab! next post plzzz!! wala ihimch ka comment o kitabnalch hehhe;p ;*** 3ad lat6awleen next time plz(A)
identity: 7abeebtii;)
That Perfect Someone: 7ayatie entayy;*
Anony1: entay ely tshawgeen;*
N: ;***
yes it is;)
Anony2: 7ayaatiie entay tyanineen;*
yes it is and its about me;p
Anony3: tislimeenn;*
ma ghairich il cute;)
yaa galbiii;p;** thanks 3al commentt!!;*
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah that was the sweetest post...
7beebi now kela ygooli qe9a9...
oo kela abi ana elstory 3ani...
oo 7adi daloo3a akthar mnich ymkn ba3ad...
i can soooooooo relate to u...
7ayaaaaaaaaati wallah...
oo madri etha 7a6a ur birthdays 9j...
bas my birthday is on september 27th!!!
nafs your 7amadich...
bas ana 24 wehwa 20...
i just read the last 5 posts that i missed...
keep it up 7ayaaaaaaaaaati...
i love u waaaaaaaaaayed...
7abeeebtii;* loooool;p
yes its his real bday! laa 3ayal kila bat'thakar your bday love;)
i love you moree ;***********
Mshallah 3lech .. A7la shay ench in jan mtheli <3 fdaaitch walla 3yshteeni el jw
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