Even though its short, elmohem ena ako post;*
To: A
Hamani, please sami7ni 3ala ily ga3da asaweh, bas you trust me right?;*
He kept calling and calling, but she left her phone in the car and went to the coffee shop with Farah.
Faisal was giving her all the stares you can think of.
He would try to talk but Fajer wouldn't look at him.
Fajer didn't say a word the whole hour they were sitting there. Then Farah's phone rang and it was Fahad.
She couldn't pick it up cause Khalid was sitting next to her. So, she handed it to Fajer.
Farah: 7agich!
Fajer knew that Hamani was looking for her. So, she got up and answered.
Before she could say a word.
Hamani: FARAH WAIN MWADYA FAJER? ... a7acheeech !!! MATRIDEEN!!
Fajer couldn't reply. He was so angry. He was furious. She didn't dare say a word.
She started breathing heavily.
Hamani: fajer?
He knew it was her.
Hamani: 7abebti wainich entay?
She was quiet.
Hamani: latkhaleeni a3a9b akthar ! WAINICH!?
She hung up.
He kept calling and calling.
Fajer excused herself and sat in the car.
Fajer: ana shfeenii? shga3da asawi?! ana mn meta chethy? mn meta a6la3 wiya 9bayan? mn meta wa7id chethy ghareeb e9ari5 3alay? mn meta i'm weak infront of a guy? why did i do this to hamani! he's furious al7een shbisawi feeni!! kela mn farah! bas shes my cousin! i cant choose hamani over her..!! omg! but shes doing something wrong, even though hamani is wrong too!! ugh! i don't know what to do !!!!
Fajer sat there in the car with thousands of thoughts in her head. She couldn't believe what she was going through.
While she was in the car, she heard a knock on her window! Guess who?
8 years ago
laysh wayed short?:(
nabeeee ba3aad!
yimkain it's faisal:o
wai3 ishyabeee!
yala post soon please!
omg a7isa its hamani!:o
INSHALAA MOO FAI9AL!:( i dont like him! and tara what fara7 is doing is very wrong 7araam!
its faisal i guess
i can't believe fajer did what she did...
mu lazm teg3ad m3ahom even though her cousin asked her to!
oo allah e3eenha mn 7amani bas
i loved the post even though it was short
bas kelshay mnch 7elow ;*
Mo mafrooth ray7a maskeen 7amani m7ateha
Waaai3 laykoon hathaa faisaal ma7iba
Inshalah ykoon hamani nabii post thaaaniii
Um flfola
7ada ashkara fai9al asking why she left the coffee shop!
too short dudet :p post soon please lat6awlin 7addy i'm hooked i love them both!!:D
ashkaraa its hamani!!! next post plzzzz !!
I miss you always.bee;(! Sam7eeny ma "pawast" min moddaa! Bs wallah I'm so busyy;(! A7ibiich 7aaill! O I'm loving your story more each post! Wallah kha6eeraaa!! Yallah post aby a3arf mnu! Ana atwaQa3 hatha faisal el-maleeQ el-lazga! Ugghh! Ishtabyy? Yuba gilnalik libnaya is in a relationship! Ana a3almah :p! Hehe(a)! Love yooou;**
Blue lilies;*: Sorry 7abeebti:(
walla I was tired;*
i just posted a long one love;*
F;*: ma nadrii:O ;p
lool 7ata ana i hate him... eeeee wayiidddd w hatha ga3id i2athir 3ala Fajer:@
Darliam: exactly!
bas shitsawi maskeena 3ashan Farah bas:p
lool eee !
7abeebtii yal 7ilwa entayy;***
Um flfola: loool;p walla i just a long post;)
Madliar: asking her why she left?:p hmmmm:p i guess !
loool, shasawi ba3add !
i just posted ;)
they love you too;p
Anony1: shloun yadri wainha?:p
Truthiie: ya jameela;**
i miss you more walla;*
la 3adii ilmohem i know ena you're okay;*
walla ana a7ibich akthar;******
its lovin you right back;p
eee faisal ooofff maleeq lazga w bas?;p lol mn 9ijich 7ada i7iirrr !!
eeeee 3almeeh:p
i love you way more;*
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