Sorry 6awalt, ilmohem you guys ely yabi a6awil elstory inshAlla ba7awil;*
and to those who think that i'm going too fast, well, when i thought of the story ma kan ib bali wayid details! Sorry again!
Thanks all for your comments, ra7 arid 3alaikom soon inshAlla;*
They were the happiest married couple alive. Lulu would fall in love with Jasim more day by day and so does Jasim.
Lulu was at Jasim's parents house.
Lulu: 5alti wain Jasim?
Om Jasim: 6ali3 7abeebti, ra7 iyeeb shaghla w kahwa yay!
Lulu: ee okay
30 minutes later..
Lulu: 5alti chena 6awal?
50 minutes later..
Lulu: 5alti waina?
Bo Jasim: Lulu? Shfeech m7atyita chethy? Ma fee shay inshAlla shway w iyee!
Lulu: la bas chena 6awal 3ami
Bo Jasim: la yoba inshAlla al7een yay!
Lulu: inshAlla
Lulu couldn't handle anymore, she excused herself and called Jasim.
But his mobile was switched off.
Lulu: okkay, calm down Lulu! He's okay he's okay!
Lulu started to panic. She couldn't handle it. She went to the bathroomand started crying silently. She could feel that somethings wrong with Jasim. She can't lose him. She can't see herself living without him. She didn't want to lose him. She already experienced a lot in her life, she doesn't really need more. She started to calm herself down and went to the living room.
Om Jasim: Lulu 7abeebti shrayich tnameen ihni ilyoom?
Lulu: laish 5alti?
Om Jasim: heheh, ma tabeen tnameen hni 5ala9 kaifich yoma!
Lulu could see that something was wrong in her eyes.
Lulu: 5alti shfee Jasim?
She started to cry all over again.
Om Jasim: Bo Jasim!! Agoolik galb elmarah ghair ma nit7amal.. goom khanwadeeha!
Lulu: Wain??!
Bo Jasim: sh7aga chethy t5ar3eenha lebnaya 7amil!
They didn't answer any of her questions. They took her to the car and drove off.
Lulu: Shfeee Jasim.. Ya rabi shfeee!!! InshAllaa ma fee shay! HHHHHH MOSTASHFAAA??!?!! LAAA LAAA !!
They arrived at a hospital. Lulu was 8 months pregnant by now. She couldn't handle everything. So she used a wheel chair. They took her to Jasim's room. And he was right there laying infront of her on a bed. Lifeless.
Lulu: JASIM JASIM !!!! Jasim maaaaaaat?!
Om Jasim: La yoma smila 3ala wildi... ma maat ismila 3alaichh 7abeebtti. Bas sawa 7adith ba9ee6 w ta3ban shway!
Om Jasim and Bo Jasim went out of the room and left both of them alone.
Lulu held Jasim's hand and cried silently leaning on the bed.
Jasim opened his eyes only to find his lovely wife laying next to him. He smiled.
8 years ago
Akrah shi3or lama tnameen yam raylich bil mostashfa
theegat 5illg! Loved the post :*
Waaay wagftay galbi hagait 9ar fe shai chayyd ;/
bs ashwa hes good cant wait for the next post ;D
miss u & love u sweets ;**
its fine ur not going too fast even if u were a7san 3ashan I can't wait aby is it you :D
7araam mskeeeena ;* ksaarat 5a6ryy!
Mn kether ma I'm addicted I'm reading this bl queue mal madame tussauds museum:p
Ehe22 ehhe22 ehee222!!!!!!! ZoQnesssss :'(! Waayyy 7araam ba3ad galbyy khaafat enna maat! 7araaam!! Yallah allah ygawmah bil salaamaa :(! Always.Be ya wailiich en mawateeh:p! 7araam!(A)! Ambaaih ana wayed atshara6 xD! LOOL(a)! A7biich(a)! Keep it up I can't wait for more! Mu it6awleen :(! B3dain I miss u b3dain I cry! Tabeenyy abchyy?:(
Good story.. Keep it up.. Waiting for ur next post ;)
while i was reading this story
teared came min 3ainy =(
ur such an amazing writer mashalla\
CANT wait for Hope13
mskeena iksirat 5a6ry wallah ..
a5as feeling to see someone you love so much lie lifeless even though they're alive it hurts to see them like that.
i cant wait for the next post!
7araaaaaan kseraaat 5a6ariii wala
Maskenaaa e5tar3aaaat bss 7adhoom yeshawgoon
Walaaa plllz 3adi tsawena long ya3ni
30 post lool walaaa I love el story
O lovee yooou
Um flfola
omg this girls life seriously sux ya3ni y her loved ones have to die or i dunno...
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