T3arfoun laiman you hate someone just because of the way they let you love them. Its a mixture of feelings. Many people won't understand. You love them and you hate them, you also miss them but you never want to be with them?
So, I love this guy. And I never want to be with him. He's everything a girl wants. No one is perfect. I'm scared that he'll break my heart and leave me. I wouldn't want that to happen to me. I'm still at a young age and want to live my life. But still his love and keeping him away hurts. It hurts deep inside. People may see that I don't care. I may seem ok. But I'm really not.
Everyone wants someone to take care of them. And I want my someone. I want him. I love him. I dream about him every night. Even if I'm awake, I would just picture him sitting there. He's not anyone. He's not any other guy. He's my first.
I would never want to stay with a guy that would think of me as nothing. He wouldn't appreciate me. Why? Cause I betrayed my parents by talking to him behind their back. He would think that I would betray him too. He's no better than him. He would think of me as rubbish. No guy would marry a girl that used to talk to him (there are options:p). No one knows how I feel. Why wouldn't anyone know how I feel? Does anyone else feel the same way?
Shgad walhana 3alaih, walla ma tadroun. Kalama kan yes7arni w ekhaleeni bas mibtasma. 6ool 3omra ewanisni. Kafi bas ashoufa. Tekfoun mabi ghairaa. La w elomounii feek. Maa7ad e3arfiik. Bas magdar, magdar akamil wiyak. La2anik .. well i don't have a valid reason. But its my reputation thats going to go down. My family that will never trust me again. My heart that wouldn't heal anymore. My friends that would go away. And you're the one that I will never see. Tabeena enkoun mithel ely e7iboun w nafs elwakt yet3atheboun? Akh, ma tadri ena 9ayir w khali9! Tadri inik khathait galbi w khalaitni? w wa3adtny ena 3omrik matkhaleenii. Bas khalaitnii, laish? La w ba3ad ma wada3tny. Adri, adri inik mat7ib ilwada3. Bas ana mo ay a7ad ely 3ashan chethy etkhaleeni wetrou7. Tathkir?? "Entay rou7y, galbi, denyiti, 3ishgi, thikraach ywanisni, 3omri mansach waw3idich makhaleech, wa7liflich akoun wiyach 6ool el3omr".Aaaaaaah, wain hal kalam??
A3az elnaaaaaaas, esma3nii !!
ana malhouuuuff le3youniik
Lil 3ashigeen 3youn nathrat'ha ghair elnas
tegra ma bain lejfoun ma3ani we7sas
wely yelomouni
9a3ba yghayrounii
ahhh, lo yshofounik lo mara b3younii.
a7ibik, 3omri ma nisaitik wala ra7 ansak. Bas so2al?
Do you feel the same way?
Do you miss me the way I do?
Do you love me more than I do?
Do you think about me before you sleep?
Do you..?
Do you?
8 years ago
clarification.. ur married 97?
Please don't tell me it's happening to u;/
methl e9be3ain ebkaf...
nab3ed oo netlaga...
oo 7obna fog elwa9f...
ta7regna ashwaga...
7adi a7eb this song...
bas a7ebich akthar...
oo 7abait elpost...
short oo sweet oo to the point...
bas sha6ra ehya...
ehwa 5alaha awal...
leish we3adha oo ma tam weyaha???
rasa yabeela ba6...
3ad ana elyom bas abi abe6 roos elnas...
love u 7beebti...
I know EXACTLY how you feel. Word for word. Everything that you said, what you feel, what you're afraid of, everything. I know how you feel. I'm going through the same thing right now. I miss him too, and I'm wondering if he misses me. I hope he does. God, I miss him so much.
- Honey Bee
I feel the exact same wallaa bethb6 what ur saying is happening to me w ma7d yfhamni its hardd ! Bs shensawi allah kareem yhawen eljaar7 elaleeem!
7araaaaaaam :( laaish hadhaaaaaaa
love yoooooooooooou
um flfola
Anon: yup;)
and happily married el7amdila:D
N: laaa 7abeebti ofcourse mo ana :D, il7amdila my marriage is what everyone wishes to have xx
7awoor xx: 7ata ana , 9ayra madri laish kela asma3 rwaishedd <3 i just love him! lol eee yabeela ba6 !!:p she let him go 7araam, he didn't have the choice ! he tried his best to get her but she never gave him the chance:(
i love you much more 7abeebtii xxxx
Honey Bee: eee many many people feel this way! I was in this state sometime in life, it was the most complicated feeling! 9ij ekhaleech it3a9been w ga3da 3ala a39abiichh !! bas shensawii, bas Alla ya36i kil wa7dd 3ala gad neeyta w inshAlla kel shay byet9ala77.
Fayye*: yupp they say they understand, but no1 really does understand. Bas shinsawiii mako ghair ta9bireen babe;)
w 9a7 Allaa Kareem w elni3im bAlla xx
um flfola: eeeeee:(
she let of him!!! :(
way more xx xx
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