Lulu didn't even bother opening her presents, but her little brother, Khalid, did.
Khalid was the typical annoying little brother, with all the attention. He was only 4 at that time.
When they got hom she ran to the phone and called her father's number but there was no answer. She called and called but no one answered.
She ran to her mother...
Lulu: mama mama... baaba is not answering *with teary eyes*
Mama: he will answer soon .. *as she was playing around with Khalid*
Mama: shfeechh?
Lulu: wain baba?! LAISH MA YRIIIDD?
Her mother ignored her and continued playing with Khalid.
After awhile, her mother got a phone call.
and it was black.
The women's 3aza was at Lulu's house and the men's was at her grandmother's. It was Faisal, Lulu's father, he passed away.
Lulu was upstairs watching tv. She knew nothing about what was going on down there.
Lulu: KHHAALII 7AMAADDDD !! *she ran and hugged him*
Uncle Hamad: Hallaaa ib luluuuuuuuuu !!
Uncle Hamad's eyes were full of sadness, he couldn't help looking at Lulu.
She was so young, her mother was still young and even Khalid.
But he knew that Lulu was the only one that would never forget her father, he was everything to her.
He was the one that he looked up for him, he was the one that never said no to her, he played with her, he took her to his workplace, and when she's sad he would make her smile by just looking at her.
Lulu: khaalii, wain baba and mama?
Uncle Hamad: mama is downstairs and you know where's baba?
Lulu: where?
He carried her and went to the window, he pointed at the sky.
Uncle Hamad: there, 3ind Allah.
another post:*
comment pls;!*
8 years ago
ok wait! coz ma garait wala shay
! I will enshallah as soon as I can! I've been soooooooooooo busy lately! bs enshallah I'll be back! wayy miisss youu;;**
I have a strong feelingg ennyy I'm gonnaa LOVEEE this storyy! So Faar soooo amazing! 7adhaaa 3ajeeba!! o ambaih it's soo good to have you baackk;;*** .. o please don't forget "And she calls this living" coz I'm dying to know! Post sooooon;;**
Abaaiiih im loving this storyyy...its do different but u cant help get hoooked!!!
waayyy hall maskeena luluuu matistahel...ga6e3at galbii shwayy oo abchii 3laa 7alat'haa...bas so2al laish mat? wat exactly caused his death?!
as always amazing;***
abaihhhhh!!! takseeeer il kha6eeeeeer;( 7aram shes just to young! ooo she is too attached to her father! ;(
next post please!
3awert 3albii 7aramm:(
is this a true story?
cause im REALLY loving it madry laish hahahah
next post please:D
Waaay it3awer el galb;*
allah lay3eed theech el ayam inshallah..
3ainy dame3at :'(
amazing story!!
keep up the good work (y)
abaaaaaaaaaaay ana elyoom garaait el story o i loooooooooooooooooooooooove it abaaaay he died :( 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam :( takser el 5aa6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeer !!! yala 7bebty pooost soooooooooooooooooon
um flfola
7aram maskeeeeena...
Allah yer7am babat-ha...
Nice start ya galbi...
Keep it up...
Shlona 7amad???
Enshallah 6ab...
Oo is this story true???
Love u 7beebti...
I'm so glad you're finally back...
The Truth: I MISS YOU!!!!!:@ 7abeebti thank you:*
and no i wont forget:p!
cant wait till you get backk;)
931:7ayatii thank youu;*
yeaa i wanted something different:p
ee walla maskeena! 7amdila 3ala kil 7aal:D
you'll know later:p
thanks agaiinn:*
bluelilies:7adhaaa!:( enshallahh;*
identity:yes it is:p! lol!:p
N: Inshallah ya raab ! ;*
A:Thank youu:** Inshallahh;)
um flfola:thank youuu;**
7awooorr:Ahlaan;* i miss you!
Ajma3een ya rabb!! :)
7amad isalim 3alaiich:p 7amdila he's great!! :D
yes it is:p!
I love you much more love;**
yay walla i feel like crying
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